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AnhuiDA-H series of standard melt pump

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AnhuiDA-H series of standard melt pump

  • Category:AnhuiMelt pump

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  • The release date:2017/08/21
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Melt pump

1, for high temperature and high pressure polymer melt pressurization, metering transport, to eliminate the flow of material pressure and flow fluctuations, improve product uniformity, saving materials;

2, can be applied to high temperature (350 ℃) high pressure (35Mpa) high viscosity (500, 000cp) fluid.

product description

Melt metering gear pump main function is to eliminate the material flow fluctuations and pressure fluctuations, improve the uniformity of products; load the material delivery pressure, enhance the system production capacity.

Melt Metering Gear Pumps are volumetric gear pumps with precise fluid flow (cc / r) with relative rotation of external meshing cylindrical gears (straight teeth, helical gears), high quality, high performance Alloy materials, fine processing, special hardening and fine grinding with research and research, high strength, high-Gang, high hardness, wear resistance, high pressure, long life Can strictly control the assembly gap, to ensure accurate and stable output of the flow, not subject to fluctuations in the impact of process conditions. Particularly suitable for high viscosity fluid metering and pressurized delivery.


1, for high temperature and high pressure polymer melt pressurization, metering transport, to eliminate the flow of material pressure and flow fluctuations, improve product uniformity, saving materials;

2, can be applied to high temperature (350 ℃) high pressure (35Mpa) high viscosity (500, 000cp) fluid.

3, can reduce the wear between the barrel and the screw, reduce the load of the extruder gear box to extend the life of the machine.

Application scope

It is mainly used in the production of polymer extrusion, such as materials, film, pipe, sheet, sheet and other industries, for conveying high viscosity materials such as PC, PMMA, ABS, HIPS, PET, PVB, PS, PP, PE, PA, PVA and other materials for rubber, asphalt, paint, adhesives, coatings, lubricants, polyols and other non-particulate impurities containing high viscosity materials; for polyester, nylon, Body of the pressurized transport and pressurized spinneret.

Relevant tags:Meltpump,DA-Hseriesofstandardmeltpumpprice

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